Tuesday, 10 July 2007

What am I like?

First up: Diddy wasn't dumped for Sienna - he walked out on his girl FOR Sienna... It makes a bit more sense to me now...

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Tonight, after a swim, a hobble and some spinach (a hobble?! whatever would you do that for?! Well, dear reader, I had a hobble because I've got a bit of a sprain in my left foot. All a shame - I can't run for the time being, and I'd better stop lunging too...) I paid a bit of money to get my hands on some tests. I need to test myself. These are testing times.

I'm now better with numbers than with words, according to the tests...

I took the personality test for a laugh. Allegedly, this time around, I'm a "persuader". Like Christopher Columbus! Or Arnie!

Well, I never...

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So, here's a question: what in the world could be worse than not being allowed to eat chocolate?

And the answer: being allowed to eat chocolate, but not being up for it. No lies: I bought a bar of Maya Gold this evening, thinking: "yeah, you've earned a couple of pieces!" But after the spinach and walnuts and wholemeal pasta goodness, I simply wasn't hungry.


I just searched for a pic of some Maya Gold, and I discovered that, as well as being one of the Green & Black's recipes, Maya Gold happens to be a porn star...

Well, I never...

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I think that's just killed my concentration. I'm off.

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