Thursday, 5 July 2007

At first, I posted this without a title

So Diddy's been left for Sienna? I read the report on Yahoo! news but, to be honest, I'm still pretty much lost...

I can't quite grasp the significance of it.

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I did some simply spectacular things tonight, I really was on form... I had to put on a load of washing. A load, not a load. I mean: "a machine load", not "a lot". But, hey, it was enough to fill the machine. But "a load of washing" would really be about three loads. Anyway, sorry, I'm sidetracking myself with my musings on language here. Sidetracking?! Is that correct English?! Good grief, I really am on one tonight...

RIGHT. I was saying...

Washing. That's right. I was putting on some washing. I put the machine on. Yesterday, after putting the machine on, I searched my room for my gym card. I then deduced that it could only be in the shorts which were in the washing machine. I had to call a halt to the wash to retrieve my card. Thank god they don't make gym cards out of cardboard.

Sorry, I didn't come here to talk about yesterday. I was talking about today.

So, TODAY, when I put the washing on, what happened?

I saw a sock. A solitary sock. Damn, I'll have to call a halt to the proceedings again. And, while waiting for the washing machine drum to depressurise, or whatever it does, I wandered back to my room, where I found another solitary sock. Not the pair of the one that escaped in the kitchen. But anyway, I got them both in the machine and started the whole damn game again.

- - - - -

I should've taken this as a sign that things were slipping away from me this evening.

I left the flat. Just as I shut the door, I asked myself: "have you got everything?" It was too late of course: the door was shut. And I realised that I didn't have my keys.

So what? I was off to the gym, and then for a swim: somebody would be home by the time I'd got thin.

(There was no need for a rhyme there. No need whatsoever. This isn't a musical.)

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I got to the gym and started getting changed. I saw an absence of swimming shorts in my bag. I have no recollection of what I said, but I must've said it out loud, or at least thought it so loud, and with so much emotion that the other guys in the changing room felt what I said, because I sensed people looking at me.

I was pissed. No swim :-(

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This blog isn't about narrating the events that happened tonight, though. That would be boring. The point is: after I'd got home, I went to pick up a pizza. I was so excited about this, that I even wrote to Helen to tell her. Imagine being half the world away, and receiving emails saying: "I'm off to get me a pizza!"

I mean, really: just imagine.

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Diddy loves big booty!

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I've been entertaining a kid on work experience today. Well, I've been entertaining myself anyway. This kid, he comes into the office on Monday and says: "Yeah, I'm interested in coding!" So I sat him down and taught him a bit of coding. He didn't seem too interested. He came along yesterday and said: "Yeah, I'm interested in technical writing!" So I sat him down today and gave him a chapter to read about style. Then I gave him a manual to correct. He said it was interesting, but he didn't seem too dedicated.

Right, that story was dull.

The interesting part is this: today I realised just how picky I can be when it comes to language.

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I got on the train home and tried reading my book about technical writing. I fell asleep.

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Once more, I'll say this: I did actually have something to say tonight, but it's gone out of my head now. Maybe it was a news story. Not the diddy one, though.

There's only one thing left to do tonight, while I'm in this mood: read some Macedonio Fernández.

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