Monday, 4 August 2008

I can't think of what to eat for dinner, but I can write nonsense easily

I click on your profile pic whenever it pops up on my homepage, in the hope that when I'm transported to your page, your page will have transformed, and you'll be there instead of a facebook page, and somehow you'll be real and not just an image on the screen. This is the stuff of science fiction. I click on your profile pic and you walk right out of the screen and into my room, and facebook has become fully interactive. The URLs have led me to the real version of you and not just to some virtual resource.

But if that happened, then I'd have to be the only one to possess such technology, because imagine if  I was busy hoovering my house and suddenly you clicked on my profile pic, and I was whisked away from the housework and into your monitor, on my way to your own private realm? Would I get a warning, so that I had time to turn the hoover off and put it away? Imagine the chaos that would happen if everyone started being transported around the place?

I can see the London Eye from my bedroom window, I can see it clearly, but I can't get there easily. And if I look at a picture of it on my computer, then I have two copies to look at, but I'm still no closer to it.

And if all of this was a dream, then would you want to wake up and get on with life, or would you be happy to just continue what you're doing? To be honest, until somebody walks out of my screen and into the same plane of reality that I'm inhabiting, I won't believe that this is anything more than a trick involving mirrors. And if you do walk out of that screen, then I really will question reality.

And so on...

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